X2 Dr Pepper TV Spot Airs

"A new Dr Pepper ad just aired on MTV, showing a beach volleyball game, in which a guy has parts of a metal garden rake strapped to his wrists. He goes to spike the ball, which pops on his claws. After this, the announcer says, "How much do you love the X
SHH scooper 'MrMunkeepants' caught a new Dr Pepper on TV promoting the X-Men sequel...

A new Dr Pepper ad just aired on MTV, showing a beach volleyball game, in which a guy has parts of a metal garden rake strapped to his wrists. He goes to spike the ball, which pops on his claws. After this, the announcer says, "How much do you love the X-Men?" It then shows several of the new cans (a Wolverine can and a Rogue can) as well as the box, then some brief new clips from X2 of Nightcrawler, Storm, and Pyro. It then announces the contest currently going on, and prompts viewers to 'collect them all!'
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