Ghost Rider's Fonda Gets Devilish

'Nobody has played the Devil quite like I do,' says Peter Fonda.
Lots of actors have played the Fallen Angel in the movies but Peter Fonda promises something unique when he takes on the role of Mephisto in the upcoming Ghost Rider movie starring Nic Cage and directed by Mark Steven Johnson.

Here's a clip: Did you go back and look at the comic to inform how you should play the Mephisto character?

Fonda: I had read a few of them before, but I thought regardless of what the guy who wrote the comics had designed here, it was up to me to put it on the screen. As it was, they let me play totally against part. Let me tell you, nobody has played the Devil quite like I do. Oh, man, I loved it. It was really cool.

Click here for the rest of the article in which the Easy Rider actor talks about the Hell Cycle and more.
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