Kinberg and Elizalde on X-Men 3

Mike Elizalde speaks out about X3's Juggernaut and Beast special effects and writer Simon Kinburg comments on Kelsey Grammar and the Fantastic Four.
SHH reports that columnists Marilyn Beck and Stacey Jenel Smith spoke with X-Men 3 screenwriter Simon Kinberg, whom says former that "Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer really nailed the part of Beast:

"They looked at lots and lots of actors for the part, but the one who came in and gave an absolutely unbelievable performance was Kelsey Grammer," he says. The character is "a cerebral genius trapped in the body of a furry beast. People don't see him for who he is. I saw a tape of Kelsey's performance and the emotion in his eyes. He was just stunningly good."

Kinberg also worked on Fantastic Four and added that, "It's not as dramatic and dark as 'X-Men.' It skirts the line between moments that are quite serious and having a playful spark like 'The Incredibles.'"

Meanwhile, has revealed a new video interview with Spectral Motion's Mike Elizalde about Juggernaut and Beast in X-Men 3. Among the items discussed, he says Kelsey Grammer has already done a life scan for the Beast suit.

Watch the video HERE

Thanks to SHH and IESB

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