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A critical philosophical investigation of the question: What is the meaning of life? This book discusses views prominent in analytic philosophy, phenomenology, and existentialism, drawing especially on the thoughts of Tolstoy, Wittgenstein, Sartre, and Camus and exploring in depth the insights these thinkers offer regarding their own difficulties concerning the meaning of life.
DCF - 3/26/2010

A great book by an individual who's been in the business for decades. A trusted journalist to artists that allowed him access to what most people would never see. An entertaining and revealing read; Life On Planet Rock.
DCF - 3/23/2010

A book written by Chuck Klosterman, first published by Scribner in 2001. It is a history of heavy metal music, with a particular emphasis on the glam metal that flourished during Klosterman's formative years in the mid-to-late 1980s, through its demise in the early 1990s, and potential rebirth in the late 1990s.
DCF - 3/20/2010

Chuck Klosterman has written a few books on pop culture and I've enjoyed all of them. He has a unique view on the world and an entertaining way of telling his story. I often find myself laughing out loud. Give this book a read; I sure you'll enjoy it.
DCF - 3/16/2010

I've read this book probably a dozen times. I began reading it in high school and have read it every couple of years since. The book is brilliant and everyone should read this book at some point in their lives.
DCF - 3/15/2010