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Michael Caine Calls For 2012 Release Date For Batman 3

Public perception says we will get a Dark Knight sequel in 2011, not so says Michael Caine.
If your hungry for Batman 3 then your not alone. Millions of fans are hammering the Internet for the latest news regarding the follow up sequel to one of the most successful movies of all time "The Dark Knight. Well look no further. Michael Caine plays the all knowing butler to Bruce Wayne in the current Batman franchise. Mr. Caine sts:

“All I know is that Christopher Nolan, who writes and directs Batman is doing a picture called Inception, and I'm not in it. So I think another Batman film is a long long way off. Long Way. I would say three years, must be.”

That sounds about right. 2012 is enough time for Mr. Nolan to put some quality time into this script and to properly cast the villain for the next installment of this block buster franchise. WHOEVER MR. NOLAN PICKS will be brilliant for two reasons: 1) Christopher Nolan is one hell of a director, and anytime you have a good director you will get stand out performances out of your actors, ex. Batman Begins, TDK, 300. Bad directors have great ideas but should not be directing because they do not draw the performance out of the actors, ex. Star Wars 1,2,3. 2) Mr. Nolan will pick a actor or actress that is talented, even if we do not realize it yet, as was the case with Heath Ledger. In Mr. Nolan I trust.
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