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District 9 is NOT the next Cloverfield

Peter Jackson is hoping to distance his latest production, DISTRICT 9, from comparisons to CLOVERFIELD.
QUESTION: How do you produce an original major motion picture in the sci-fi genre with a budget of only $30 million and manage to get people to go see it? ANSWER: Hire Neill Blomkamp to direct and build an impressive viral website.

With a budget and marketing campaign similar to last year's Cloverfield, comparisons were inevitable. However, Jackson says District 9 is a different beast altogether:

"It's not somebody running around with a camera, filming everything. We have a mixture of documentary and dramatized scenes."

The plot of the film originated with Blomkamp's short film Alive in Joburg and tells the tale of alien refugees who land in Africa and are subsequently forced into slavery. Jackson told Entertainment Weekly:

"They have technology and weapons that are extremely appealing to various forces--and that's where it all goes wrong."

District 9 opens August 14, 2009!

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