Liam Gallagher of Oasis Developing Beatles Biopic
Oasis' Liam Gallagher, who has never hidden his love for and influence by the Beatles has announced a biopic covering the band's final tumultuous chapter.
Notes, "Liam Gallagher, frontman for the British alternative band Oasis, is producing and developing an adaptation of Richard DiLello's book The Longest Cocktail Party, a chronicle of his time as a student at Apple Corps, The Beatles' multimedia corporation, with Apple Press Officer Derek Taylor. However, for all those Beatles maniacs looking for a biopic on the Fab Four, this is not the project for you.
"While Apple Corps. is certainly The Beatles company through and through, the film itself will focus on what it meant to be a young man caught up in the wild swirl of the music business, celebrities and the tail end of the swinging sixties' in London. The Beatles won't be making an appearance in the film aside from 'off-stage – voices in the background, on the end of phones.' The press release points out very clearly: 'This is not an attempt to tell the story of The Beatles, but the story of Apple and the huge impact The Beatles had on the world around them.' I'm amazed that The Beatles keep making impressions on kids who love music decade after decade, and this film should be an indirect look at the behind the scenes music business."
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